ETF Educational Video Series

Westpac Share Trading together with Betashares are proud to introduce a series of four short and easy to understand educational videos covering the following topics:

  1. What is an ETF and how do they work?
  2. Different types of ETFs and how to use them
  3. How to use ETFs within your portfolio
  4. Income generation using ETFs
ETF Educational Video Series Illustration

Video 1: What is an ETF and how do they work?

Our first video in this series is an introduction to Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), helping you understand the basics. Ele de Vere, Chief Marketing Officer at Betashares and Oliver Laumberg, Director at Westpac Share Trading, discuss what an ETF is, the potential benefits and risks, why investors use them, and how to invest in and choose ETFs.

Presenters: Ele de Vere (Chief Marketing Officer, Betashares) and Oliver Laumberg (Director, Westpac Share Trading)

Video 2: Different types of ETFs and how to use them

The second video in our series explains how to use ETFs to diversify and build your portfolio. Ele discusses how ETFs can provide exposure to different shares, asset classes, global markets and investment strategies. She also covers thematic, fixed income, and cash ETFs, the difference between growth and income ETFs, and their potential to reduce risk.

Presenters: Ele de Vere (Chief Marketing Officer, Betashares) and Oliver Laumberg (Director, Westpac Share Trading)

Video 3: How to use ETFs within your portfolio

In the third video, Tom Wickenden, Investment Strategist at Betashares, and Oliver Laumberg from Westpac Share Trading explore how ETFs can be used to implement various investing strategies. ETFs are versatile tools suitable for a range of basic, advanced, and common investment and trading strategies.

Understanding the benefits of major asset classes such as domestic and international equities, fixed income securities, commodities, and currencies can be a powerful investment tool for investors.

Presenters: Tom Wickenden (Investment Strategist, Betashares) and Oliver Laumberg (Director, Westpac Share Trading)

Video 4: Income generation using ETFs

Our fourth and final video in this series discusses how investors can generate income through ETFs. Similar to shares and bonds, ETFs can provide income via fixed income ETFs, equity ETFs (such as those focusing on high dividend companies or income strategies), and bond ETFs (including government and corporate bonds). Tom emphasizes the importance of thorough research when investing in ETFs to understand their objectives and encourages investors to consider their goals – whether they are seeking portfolio growth or income.

Presenters: Tom Wickenden (Investment Strategist, Betashares) and Oliver Laumberg (Director, Westpac Share Trading)

Discover more about ETFs

To discover more about ETFs including features, FAQs, case studies, and more, visit Products & Services > Shares > ETFs & ETCs (Log-in required).

To search and view all available ETFs in Australia, go to Quotes & Research > Tools > ETF screener (Log-in required). More details about each ETF can be found on the issuer’s website.

To learn more about the benefits and risks of ETFs, and how to use the ETF Stock Screener, visit What are ETFs.

Betashares Capital Limited (ABN 78 139 566 868, ASFL 341181 (‘Betashares’) is not part of the Westpac Group. Westpac Securities is not a related party of Betashares.

This information is intended to provide information for educational purposes only and is subject to change at anytime without notice.